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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Forms Explained: A Simple Guide To Get Started

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In a Nutshell

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires completing a packet of 23 official forms, including a voluntary petition, schedules, and financial statements. Together, these forms make up what’s commonly called your bankruptcy petition. Each form serves a specific purpose, such as listing your debts, assets, income, and expenses. While it might seem like a lot, most of the information comes from documents you already have.

Written by Attorney Andrea WimmerLegally reviewed by Jonathan Petts
Updated March 11, 2025

Chapter 7 Official Bankruptcy Forms Overview

To file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll need to submit a detailed packet of forms to the court. This packet, often called your bankruptcy petition, includes about 23 official forms that are the same for Chapter 7 cases filed anywhere in the United States. You can download them for free from the U.S. Court’s website.

Many bankruptcy courts also require additional local forms, sometimes referred to as court forms, which are specific to your district. You can find these at your local courthouse.

What’s Included in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Petition?

Bankruptcy petitions have three main components: 

  • A voluntary petition, which includes basic information about you, such as your name, address, and the type of bankruptcy you’re filing.

  • Schedules that provide detailed information about your financial situation, including:

    • Assets (what you own)

    • Liabilities (what you owe)

    • Income

    • Expenses

  • Statements, which dive deeper into specific areas of your financial history. For example, you’ll disclose recent financial transactions, explain your household income, and confirm that you’ve completed the required credit counseling course.

These forms work together to provide a complete picture of your financial situation for the bankruptcy court, your trustee, and your creditors.

What Forms Do You Need To File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Let’s start with the required forms that are needed in every Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. 

  • Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy

  • Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information

  • Schedule A/B: Property

  • Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt

  • Schedule D: Secured Debts

  • Schedule E/F: Unsecured Debts

  • Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

  • Schedule H: Your Codebtors

  • Schedule I: Your Income

  • Schedule J: Expenses

  • Declaration About an Individual Debtor’s Schedules

  • Statement of Financial Affairs

  • Chapter 7 Statement of Current Monthly Income

  • List of Creditors (Creditor Matrix)

✨  Feeling overwhelmed by all the forms? See if you’re eligible to use Upsolve’s free filing tool. It guides you through each step, helping you complete the forms and stay on track. Once the forms are ready, all you need to do is file them with the court.

Here’s some quick information about each of these forms as well as a direct link to download the form.

Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy

The Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy (Official Form 101) is the form that starts your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. 

It collects basic information about you, the type of bankruptcy you’re filing, whether your debts are mostly consumer debts, and whether you have any non-exempt assets

This form also asks you to explain your efforts to complete the pre-bankruptcy credit counseling course. You’ll note either that you’ve completed the course and attached the certificate or that you qualify for a rare exemption.

Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information 

The Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information (Official Form 106Sum) gives a “bottom line” overview of your financial situation. It summarizes totals from your schedules, including the value of your property, total debts, income, and expenses. 

Think of it as a cover sheet for your schedules. You’ll fill this out after completing your other forms since it relies on that information.

Schedule A/B: Property 

Schedule A/B: Property (Official Form 106A/B) is where you list everything you own. Part 1 is for real estate, like a house or land, and Part 2 is for everything else, like your car, furniture, or bank accounts. 

In bankruptcy, anything you own — or expect to receive in the future — is considered an asset. You’ll also need to estimate how much each item could be sold for.

Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt

Schedule C: Exemptions (Official Form 106C) is one of the more complicated bankruptcy forms. This is where you tell the bankruptcy trustee which of your belongings are protected by exemptions

You’ll list any property from Schedule A/B that’s covered by an exemption and include the state or federal law that protects it.

Schedule D: Secured Debts

Schedule D: Secured Debts (Official Form 106D) is where you list any debts that are backed by property, like a house or car. These are called secured debts because the creditor can take the property if you don’t pay. Common examples include mortgages and car loans. Later, in your Statement of Intention, you’ll let the court and the creditor know what you plan to do with these debts. 

Schedule E/F: Unsecured Debts

Schedule E/F: Unsecured Debts (Official Form 106E/F) is where you list all your unsecured debts. Unsecured debts are those not backed by property, like credit cards or medical bills. 

Some of these, like taxes or child support, are treated as priority debts by the Bankruptcy Code and are listed in Part 1. 

Other unsecured debts, called “nonpriority” debts, go in Part 2. 

Part 3 is for listing collection agencies, lawyers, or anyone else involved in collecting debts listed in Part 2.

Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases

Schedule G (Official Form 106G) might sound intimidating, but it’s simple. This is where you list any active leases or long-term contracts, like renting a home, leasing a car, or a cellphone contract. If you don’t have any, you just check “no” for Question 1 and move on.

Schedule H: Your Codebtors

Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 106H) is required even if you don’t have any co-debtors. If no one else is responsible for your debts, you’ll simply answer “no” to Question 1 and indicate whether you’ve lived in a community property state in Question 2. 

If you do have co-debtors — like a spouse or co-signer — you’ll list them in Question 3.

Schedule I: Your Income

Schedule I: Your Income (Official Form 106I) is where you list all sources of income. This includes wages from a job, income from a business, or government benefits like Social Security or unemployment. No matter the source, all income must be included on this form to give the court a clear picture of your financial situation.

Schedule J: Expenses 

Schedule J: Expenses (Official Form 106J) works alongside Schedule I. This is where you list your monthly expenses, such as rent, food, utilities, transportation, and other living costs. 

For most Chapter 7 filers, expenses either match or exceed their income, which is normal. However, if your Schedule J shows significant leftover disposable income, it might indicate to the trustee that you could afford a repayment plan under Chapter 13 instead of Chapter 7.

Declaration About an Individual Debtor’s Schedules

Declaration About an Individual Debtor’s Schedules (Official Form 106Dec) is where you sign to confirm that all the information in your schedules is true and accurate. None of the other Chapter 7 forms include a signature line, so this form exists specifically for that purpose. 

By signing it, you’re declaring under penalty of perjury, which means you’re swearing everything is truthful, and you understand there could be serious legal consequences if it’s not.

Statement of Financial Affairs

Official Form 107, also called your Statement of Financial Affairs for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy (or SOFA), includes financial details not covered in your schedules. 

This form asks about your income from the past few years, any legal actions involving you, and other important financial information. It helps the court get a more complete picture of your financial history.

Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income

The Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income (Official Form 122A-1) is the first part of the means test. This form calculates your average monthly income to see if it’s below the income limit for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If it is, you’ll check a box indicating that there’s no “presumption of abuse,” meaning you’re eligible to file under Chapter 7.

Creditor Matrix

The creditor matrix is a list of all your creditors and their addresses that you submit along with your bankruptcy forms. It’s essentially a set of address labels, so the court can quickly notify your creditors about your case. This list, also called a creditor mailing matrix, is usually submitted with a signed verification stating it’s complete and accurate. 

Since there’s no official form for the matrix, check with your local bankruptcy court for the required format.

Supplemental Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Forms

The forms we’ve already covered are required for every individual Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. But sometimes, the court needs a little more information based on your unique financial situation. That’s where supplemental forms come in. 

If these forms apply to you, they aren’t optional — they help fill in the gaps and give the court a complete picture of your circumstances. These forms typically cover situations like asking to waive the court filing fee, sharing details about secured debts like car loans, or documenting an eviction judgment. 

They address specific scenarios that don’t apply to everyone but are important for those they do.

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy comes with a $338 court filing fee, but if your household income is less than 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, you can request a waiver using Official Form 103B, the Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived. You’ll need to submit this form along with your bankruptcy paperwork to the court.

If you don’t qualify for a fee waiver but can’t afford to pay the full fee up front, you can use Official Form 103A, the Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments. This allows you to file your case — and stop actions like garnishments — with a small down payment (the amount varies by district). You’ll then have up to three payments to pay off the remaining balance.

Statement About Your Social Security Number

Official Form 121 is used to provide the court with your full Social Security number. If you’re working with a lawyer, they’ll typically handle this step for you, so you may not need to submit the form yourself. 

If you do need to file it, make sure to keep it separate from the rest of your bankruptcy paperwork. This helps ensure it’s not included on the public court docket, protecting your personal information.

Statement of Intention

The Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7 (Official Form 108), is required if you have any secured debts (like a car loan listed on Schedule D) or unexpired contracts (like a lease listed on Schedule G). 

This form lets creditors and the court know what you plan to do about these debts — such as keeping the property and continuing payments, surrendering it, or negotiating other terms.

While this form isn’t due immediately, it’s a good idea to file it with the rest of your Chapter 7 paperwork, especially if you have secured debts. This keeps everything organized and helps avoid delays in your case.

Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation or Exemption

If your household income is greater than the median income for your state (as determined by Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income (Official Form 122A-1) you’ll need to complete the Chapter Means Test Calculation (Official Form 122A-2) as well. This form is where you show the bankruptcy court that you don’t have any disposable income. 

You file Official Form 122A-1Supp, called the Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse under §707(b)(2), if you’re not required to complete the means test because your debt is primarily non-consumer debt or based on your military service. 

Schedule J-2: Expenses for Separate Household 

If you are married and filing bankruptcy with your spouse but don’t live together, you’ll file Schedule J-2: Expenses for Separate Household of Debtor 2 (Official Form 106J-2).

Forms for Eviction Situations

Use Official Form 101A if you’re behind on rent and your landlord has a judgment to evict you. This form lets the court and your landlord know if you can catch up on your rent payments.

Official Form 101B is similar but applies if you’re trying to stay in your home for more than 30 days after filing. This form notifies the court of your situation and outlines your intentions regarding the eviction.

Common Local Forms

Local forms vary by bankruptcy district, so the best place to find information about the specific forms you’ll need is your local bankruptcy court’s website. 

Here are a few common examples:

  • Declaration About Your Income: In some districts, you’ll submit your paycheck stubs directly to the court rather than to the bankruptcy trustee. Often, a cover sheet must be filed with the stubs, though some courts only require this form if you don’t have any paycheck stubs to submit.

  • Creditor Matrix and Verification: All courts require you to file your creditor matrix in a specific format. This includes a verification page you sign, confirming the list includes all your creditors and their addresses. Some districts even ask that the creditor matrix be submitted on a USB drive.

  • Pro Se Declaration: If you’re filing without an attorney, some districts require a separate document called a Pro Se Declaration.

Always check your district’s requirements to make sure you’re submitting the correct forms in the right format.

Let’s Summarize…

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy requires completing several forms that provide a full picture of your financial situation. While it may feel overwhelming at first, most of the information — like your income, expenses, assets, and debts — is easy to gather with documents you already have, like paycheck stubs and tax returns. The key is to be honest, thorough, and organized.

If you’re filing Chapter 7, see if you’re eligible to use Upsolve’s free filing tool to complete your case. The tool walks you through the questions step by step and generates your forms, making the bankruptcy process much easier. From there, all you need to do is file them with the court.

If you want to speak with a professional, Upsolve can set you up with a free consultation with a local bankruptcy attorney.

Written By:

Attorney Andrea Wimmer


Andrea practiced exclusively as a bankruptcy attorney in consumer Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases for more than 10 years before joining Upsolve, first as a contributing writer and editor and ultimately joining the team as Managing Editor. While in private practice, Andrea handled... read more about Attorney Andrea Wimmer

Jonathan Petts


Jonathan Petts has over 10 years of experience in bankruptcy and is co-founder and CEO of Upsolve. Attorney Petts has an LLM in Bankruptcy from St. John's University, clerked for two federal bankruptcy judges, and worked at two top New York City law firms specializing in bankrupt... read more about Jonathan Petts

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